February 18, 2007

Hacking the Nintendo Wii Console

It’s funny how these security experts can pick apart the Nintendo Game Cube and Wii security implementation. Have a close look at the connector in the picture, that’s right it says ‘insert modchip here’… Video after the jump. “Interesting if not long-winded explanation of DVD Security on Nintendo’s Wii Cover’s everything from Nintendo’s original flaws in the Gamecubes copy protection and extensively covers the Wii’s security procedures, well worth a

LCD Monitor Backlight to LED Conversion

Keith Wakeham, an engineering student replaced the backlight of a LCD monitor to operate using LED lighting. “My very wonderful cousin gave me an old 17″ LCD made by the company GEM (I don’t know who they are) which was making a big racket with squealing. I knew it was the backlight so I said I’d take it knowing that to get it repaired by a pro would cost 30-60