Move over Vista here comes Ubuntu 6.10 Linux with XGL and Kiba-Dock

Windows Vista is going to have to take a back seat to the amazing OS effects that Ubuntu 6.10 Linux with XGL Kiba-Dock can perform. Watch the video and be amazed. I think Microsoft might have to hire some of the open source developers of they want to keep up… Have a close look at the video, the creator must be a Diggnation fan!

Video after the jump.

Via: Slashdot Review



  1. And how much GPU performance does this desktop need? I don’t want my GPU run all the time at 100%. But it really looks nice.

  2. Is this kind of effects just kewl, or is it useful? Im not sure I get it yet.

  3. When will someone release this as a package set in RPM format, and will this run with KDE, as I dislike Gnome.

  4. I have this, and I have to say that I prefer it over and Windows (god forbid Vista), and OsX. My one complaint about it is that I can’t get my WiFi card configured on it…

  5. cOLD
    I’ve got this running on my Debian for a year.
    And yes it runs on KDE too. But I prefer AIGLX over XGl which is included in the official Xorg release because it is faster.

  6. Just wish the winmodem that in my laptop was surported.
    Would love to use linux again.
    aka John Doe Ashburton, New Zealand

  7. Woa, time to get a new graphicscard!

  8. THis will work with XFCE4.4 and KDE – I’ve tried both. Beautiful, although on my Celeron 1.7 Ghz 1GB ram and 128 Video AGP8x it is damn slow,when running 3D games and the 3D desktop at the same time… still, it works normally when I’m not running 3D games at the same time. LOL

  9. as microsoft execs have said, yes this is nifty, and they could have done it as well.. but then again it would be an utter nightmare for support technicians as well as the general public, few people can handle 1 real screen, even fewer can handle standard virtual desktops, can you imagine people handling a rotateable 3d box desktop with windows on all sides? lol

  10. I have this installed on my laptop, and is really sweet, LOL on what Chris said, how can M$ people think that computer users and techs are completely morons? This is why linux is thapught only for geeks, cause M$ sez. LOL again

  11. Hey, there is a great live CD that lets you try XGL (3D desktop) while running off a CD. I installed it on a couple of computers I have. Yes, it is very useful too! The live CD is called Kororaa. If you want more details, email me at

  12. Chris sounds like the textbook “fanboy” aka company hired blogger to me. And microsoft can barely handle one desktop at a time themselves. And gromeo the celeron is your bottleneck there bump that cpu up. Compiz and XGL work fine with as low as a geforce 5200 and I hear much lower. Vista is cumbersome, skewed and full of the most annoying “features” such as asking me if it has my “permission” to run a program lmao ummm sure you have my permission, security?! I think not lol. It’s a joke and you ms users are the punch line.

  13. It seems to require an NVida card. I loaded the RPMs and there is a KDE version. I set it to start and it hard locked my system. I do not have an NVidia card but a rather old Matrox G450 dual head.

  14. I set this up under gentoo quite a while ago and I’m still not sick of it 😛

    I thought it would be a short lived novelty, but i love making a terminal semi-transparent so I can still read instructions on a website below 😛

    Meval, it doesn’t need an Nvidia card, but to use it practically you will need OpenGL acceleration (eg Nvidia or ATI)

  15. what do i get this software from, iv downloaded the Ubuntu software but don;t know where to get the full package Ubuntu 6.10 Linux with XGL and Kiba-Dock, any help !!!


  17. Hello, i have linux ubuntu 6.04 (feisty) running with beryl (now compiz fusion), on a p4 1,7 512mb ram and a 128mb nvidia card. This works ok for me (after a long time of typing into the terminal etc.). Linux = Gnome. Now i put sabayon linux on my external usb drive with compiz fusion, sabayon = KDE. For the visual effects you need to install an configure beryl or compiz fusion. These programs don’t require much of your systems resources at all! As said before, my 6 year old pc is running just fine and is so much cooler than Vista, and it doesn’t cost over 200 🙂

  18. This may not be revelant but i figured i’d post this anyway. If you’re using ubuntu 8.10 you may be in for some issues with the network manager. For some unknown reason it stops functioning. You will need to manually set you’re resolv.conf with your ISP’s DNS servers. That file is located in /etc/network/resolv.conf

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