Different Colored Flamed Candles

Who says candle flames need to be yellow. The candles from More Than Light put a fun spin on an everyday item.

“The More than lights online store offers clear paraffin oil as well as a variety of colored oils designed for burning in clear (glass) containers, enhancing the natural beauty of the oil lamp and adding additional color to the lamp and room.

Our colored oils are available in four colors (red, green, blue, yellow) and are packed in a special container designed to enable an easy refill while the lamp is still burning
colored oils add a unique designer touch to every occasion and as simple as they are, usually leaves guests, friends and family breath taken. ”

Via: Coolest Gadgets


  1. Um I wonder what chemicals they use for that. I’m not partial to barium or strontium.

  2. for coloring flames mostly salts are used. I think kitchen salt make s redish orange color to a flame. Then for green i think coppers salts do that.

  3. I’m pretty sure they use potassium salts for purpleish flames. Dunno if i they would dissolve or whatever into oil though.

  4. anyone know if mixing the oil with parafin it gives a candle with the color of the oil?

  5. thats pretty bad ass
    i want some of those
    where can i get some???

  6. the chemicals that color the flame, are they toxic?

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