There are a few versions of this cool robot, check out WIFIBOT for lots of design details.
Video and more pictures after the jump
“The purpose of WIFIBOT is to develop and make low cost robotic systems for an increasing number of applications using off the shelf technologies like the WiFi, which is the common denominator of all our products. WIFIBOT was born to fulfill the need there was in the market for affordable and technically intermediate mobile robots. The existing option would either fall into the category of toys either into the category of expensive advanced robots intended for research. The WIFIBOT products come in the middle of the two and face little competition in this category. The final goal of WIFIBOT is to take out robotics from the labs by proposing products presenting intermediate capabilities and features while remaining functional and affordable to a large public.”
hey this is interesting!! is the a guide that is more in detail on how to make one
As far as I know there are no details to make your own. Lots of system specifications, but no DIY construction instructions as far as I can see.
Yeah that is awesome. Very well designed, it looks like it should work well in off-road type terrains. I want to build one !
well u can buy one I found out but I have a pda and a laptop with wifi so itll be cool. the pda one is sick hopefully i can do that. I hope its not that expensive!
i have really always long life dream is to get this wifi bot built
but my problem with this that its much much more advanced then the wifibots on this article.
my plan was to use the basic setup of that link and put it all into a power wheels jeep that i would bondo body work
but ya in a few years i might get into a wifi bot i really hope:)
Wow, I definitely want one of those….. looks like it wouldn’t be too hard to make with a CUBLOC and some wifi bits.
I really like how well designed this robot is. It was packaged very attractively too.
This is so hot. I want one omg.
If you want one, check the price.
Dear Sir
i would like to know the details of the wifibot what parts arer required r to make it and how much would it cost and also the details how to build it
please let me know as soon as possible
Take a look at – quite soon you’re going to be able to buy a “wifibot” from toy stores, ready to construct for yourself out of Meccano!
this is awesome. could you pls tell me where can i buy the cheapest wifi
robot kit that i can start on?
AweSome!!its really a good shring.
BTW, Alan, how can i got those robot kits for the wifibot above?
Advice raelly neeeded…
Hi Louis,
Go here for additional information (link in the article)
You R d MAN Alan…Thanks for the briliant info.
Anybody who wants to buy within North America can go to our website and send us an e-mail