AmateurLogic.TV Episode 12

Check out this great episode of Amateur Logic TV.

Video after the jump.

“Jim discusses two Network Tools that everyone already has. George digs into the junk box and comes up with a 9-volt battery clip tip. Tommy talks about using the Burn and Dodge tools to get better detail out of your photos. This month’s spotlight is on the Basic Stamp Microcontroller. We tell you what it is, and show you how to use it with a simple project. Plus your viewer mail and other interesting bits. It’s 55 minutes of Geek entertainment that’s sure to get the electrons flowing!”



  1. This is pretty cool! As a ham, I can appreciate the concepts they are covering. It’s funny, because at the beginning of the episode, I was thinking that it somewhat reminded me of the mp3 audio broadcasts of soldersmoke…. Low and behold, they mentioned Mike, KL7R, one of the solder smoke anchors. It really is sad that he died in a car accident recently.

  2. Eh, Home is where the Hard Drive is if ya ask me.

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