Recorded Audio Doorbell

This project was constructed by Apnoe, a member of the Hacked Gadgets forum. His entire article has been reproduced here since he doesn’t have a Web server that is on 27/4. If you have any questions you can ask them here or email Apnoe directly at apnoe at

“This is my self-assembled doorbell. I wanted a doorbell that can play a audiosample of my own choice and not that boring ugly noise. Well, of course the doorbell must be able to record/play some audio for at least some few seconds. Because I like the TV-Show STARGATE a lot I wanted that special alarm sound when somebody is pushing the button outside.

When someone now is pushing that button outside I hear the STARGATE-Alarmsound with that voice saying “Unplanmäßige Aktivierung von Außen!” (german). I took the sample from one of the episodes I have on videotape. I already prepared some active PC-Speakers for giving external power supply and receiving the audio-signal. They are not connected at the moment, because my dwelling is not that big and I dont need a boosted doorbell atm.

Main Components:
-Digital Voice-Recorder (I used this one: Voice-Module)
-FRS1B-S 5V DC Relais (any radio-shack)
-1N4001 standard Diode (any radio-shack)
-0.1µF 50V Capacitor (seems to be not optimal)
-16R 1W additional speaker (taken from broken TV-Set)

For external PWR-Supply
-7805CT standard 5VDC Voltage regulator (any radio-shack)
-Cooler from don’t ask me 🙂

Additional things:
Four mignon (AA) batteries for use without external power. Some wires, solder and of course the neccessary tools used for soldering anyway. The basic-plate on that everything is mounted is two 5.25″ slotcovers from old PC’s. I just stuck them together with hot glue and some wires.

Well at the moment it doesn’t look very pretty – so I call it a funOtype (fun-projekt prototype) – maybe I’ll find some time to optimize it and give it a nice case. One existing and future problem is power-supply. If you have a nice idea or any questions on building your own selfmade recordable doorbell – give me some note: apnoe

This is a little pseudo-schematic which might help building your own recordable doorbell”


  1. Does the doorbell have the Stargate sirens in the background? That would be awesome! It would be yet another way to annoy my wife.

  2. Yes! Now my doorbell can tell people to go away and I dont have to…
    seriously though, nice hack

  3. Hi NGinuity,
    according to your question I must say – yes. There are some alarm sirens before, while (in the background-sound) and after the announcement. Well the announcement means something like “irregular activation from outside” in english – sry I really don’t know what they say in the english version of Stargate. But this would for sure annoy your wife – pls don’t ask mine 😉

  4. It’s usually “Unscheduled offworld activation”… 🙂

  5. Make it play a really obnoxious knocking sound to defeat the purpose of having a doorbell

  6. Apnoe:

    “Well the announcement means something like “irregular activation from outside” in english – sry I really don’t know what they say in the english version of Stargate”

    The English translation would be “Unauthorized off-world activation”. That’s one of my favorite parts of Stargate!

  7. Yeah, my bad, Mark has got it right.

  8. Kree Jaffa!

  9. I would like a recording from Home Alone about getting off my property to play outside and a door bell simultainiously to play inside

  10. where can you buy these?????????? Answer ASAP!!!!!

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