March 23, 2007

Robots by Hubert - Solar Lawnmower and Mop Bot

Tired of building projects that need a programmer for the microcontroller and data books for all the chips. Why not keep it simple? That is what Hubert did when he built these two robots. Solar Lawnmower: “Cutting the grass can be boring…. You can buy a commercial robot… But you must spend about 3000 $ and install special cables… This one works alone, your grass must be surrounded with a,

Springverb - Hard Drive Spring Speaker

Here is another cool idea for your old hard drives. The device is called a Springverb, it’s a Hard Drive Spring Speaker. There are lots more of sound clips and videos on the site. Video after the jump. “Inspired by the wealth of hard-drive recycling ideas on hacked-gadgets and the >springverb research posted at Electronic Peasant. When looking at both these pages… this hack becomes pretty obvious. It helps that