March 2007

WIFIBOT - Wifi Robot

There are a few versions of this cool robot, check out WIFIBOT for lots of design details. Video and more pictures after the jump “The purpose of WIFIBOT is to develop and make low cost robotic systems for an increasing number of applications using off the shelf technologies like the WiFi, which is the common denominator of all our products. WIFIBOT was born to fulfill the need there was in

Make a USB Charging Flashlight

After reviewing the Forever Flashlight for The Gadget Panel I couldn’t help but take its capabilities to the next level. I wanted a portable USB charger that could recharge things like my iPod Shuffle. I know there are lots of battery powered options, but I wanted something that didn’t need battery replacement. USB power is 5 Volts and that is exactly what this flashlight puts out on the auxiliary power

Hack the LG LAC-M6500R MP3 Car Stereo USB port

What can make a sweet high end car stereo even better? Some custom electronics to relocate the USB interface will do the trick. “Some friends buy me a nice MP3 player for my car last year. This stuff looks great and you can even plug a hard-drive. The main issue is that the firmware only support 999 files on a single USB device, so that’s enougth for ~4Go of MP3

Star Trek Phaser Remote

Show your TV who’s boss by zapping commands to it using this Star Trek Phaser Remote. “Replica of the actual handheld Type 1 phaser used in the original Star Trek series by Captain James T. Kirk and crew, with actual Star Trek sound effects provided by Paramount Pictures The Star Trek Original Series Phaser Universal Remote Control features: Total remote control for all of your electronic entertainment systems Extensive library

Van de Graaff Generator

A Van de Graaff generator is a simple way of producing high voltage. There are many DIY generators that can be made with some everyday items. Here is a link to some additional information. Video after the jump. “A Van de Graaff generator is an electrostatic machine which uses a moving belt to accumulate very high voltages on a hollow metal globe. The potential differences achieved in modern Van de

Launch 20 megapixles 20 miles high

Click To Play   Last week we introduced you to the High Altitude Balloon experiment. The project is getting closer to completion, watch the video to see the progress. “Make: is going to space.Have you ever wanted to go up into space? Well, you don’t have to try and win a golden ticket, be a millionaire, or an astronaut… you can send your own payload into space! In this Make:

Parallel Port controlled Opto-Isolated Triac Light Driver

Raphael Assenat has designed a circuit that allows a computer parallel port to control 110VAC lighting. It is optically isolated allowing the computer to remain safe as it switches the high voltage. “I had been thinking of controlling my room lighting using my computer. I bought some triacs and opto couplers to do this. I drew the schematic and built a prototype. Everything worked well. When I was wondering in