April 8, 2007

Technique hints promise of a Tabletop X-ray Laser

Looks like there might be a breakthrough in x-ray technology very soon. This article is from the free Electronic Products magazine that is one of the Hacked Gadgets engineering magazines offered. “Removing a major obstacle in the quest to build a tabletop x-ray laser that could be used for biological and medical imaging, a team of researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder has developed a technique to generate

Wireless Router with Analogue Utilization Meter

It seems like everything in this hectic world is going digital. This Wireless Router with Analogue Utilization Meter project takes digital information and presents it in an analog form. Video after the jump. “There are a number of ways to find out how much bandwidth is being used. This being the first pass at a digital to analogue conversion of the utilisation, I opted for simply using the uplink LED