Roomba With Airsoft Gun and Laser Sight

If you are lucky enough to have an extra roomba kicking around why not mod it to shoot peoples feet. 🙂

“I own a Discovery roomba and use it in the never ending battle against dog hair. I love it as it does an amazing job at sweeping up not only dog hair but all sorts of dirt and dust. I didn’t want to take the chance of killing it so I searched around for another and found this Roomba Red on craigslist for $30, it wasn’t charged when I went to see it but I figured that if it was dead the motors and battery would be worth the money. I took it home and plugged in the charger. I smelled something strange and realized that the charger cord was damaged and the wires were shorting out! I repaired the wires and pluged it back in and after a few hours gave it a test. It Works! With my discovery working I didn’t feel bad when I removed the vacuum mechanicals on the Red to save weight and make room for any additional modifications I might add. Now for the disassembly. I removed every screw I could find on the bottom and removed the cover. I have never seen so much cat hair! In every nook and cranny it was crammed in. It had to be pried out with a mini screw driver plus compressed air! a final vacumm finished the job. Wish I had taken photos, it was unbelievable.”

Via: Gizmodo



  1. Best roomba hack ever.

  2. Yea this is cool, would be cool if it could raise and lower the gun too.

  3. *sniff* this is the second happiest day of my life!
    *the first was when tacobell announced they now make breakfast*

    first. i learn toy make gwakamolito. then, i learn how to make buffalo suace, and now this!!!!!


  4. im not happy anymore, because it doesnt also vacuum =(

  5. LOL, in my opinion the Roomba makes a great robotic platform, but a mediocre vacuum. 🙂 So I think that it is fine that it doesn’t work as a vacuum anymore…

  6. if only this was the beta for a paint ball roomba.

  7. Who says it isn’t?

  8. oh great , now we gona have bank robbers with gun equipt roombas lol

  9. I, for one, welcome our new laser sighted airgun overlords.

  10. lol @ drews comment

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