Name the Thing Contest – 2

Last weeks weekend contest was a great success. This week there will be two items given away to two lucky winners.

Giveaway item 1 is a graphic LCD module, thanks to David from uC Hobby for providing this module!
Giveaway item 2 is another camera tripod.

This contest will run for this weekend only (April 20 – 22, 2007) . To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Also go over to uC Hobby and comment on your favorite project listed there. Please do not give the answer in the comments.


Once you are done send an email to contest @ with “Name the Thing” as the subject consisting of:
* The name of the item in the above picture
* An example of what the item pictured above can be used for
* The uC Hobby article name that you commented on

The winners will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.

Below is a picture of the graphical LCD (more details can be found here), and the tripod.

Added April 24, 2007

The picture is a Basic Stamp 2, it is a microcontroller so it can be used for anything from flashing an LED to being the brains of a robot.

The winner of the LCD Display is Matthew L.
The winner of the Tripod is Joel D.

Thanks to all who entered.


  1. i found it.. and set in my email

  2. Is there a name to this LCD so I can look up some data sheets? From what I’ve seen, a PIC running at 40 MHz would have trouble controlling this, so I’m looking at a dsPIC which can run up to 120 MHz or so.

  3. I think i know the answer, I sent my mail….

    That LCD must be too cool in my PC case 🙂

  4. I have had some people asking for a hint… I will say, look closely at the chip and remember that Google is your friend. 🙂

  5. This is so easy that it is embarrassing.

  6. i don’t know how i missed the data-sheet link 🙁

  7. wow this one was easy, i actually just got done messing with one of these just the other day, so to my supprise when i saw the contest, i immediately sent my email…

  8. yeah it’s kind of easy, lets hope i win this one!

  9. I know this one

  10. Oh and make the next one a bit harder.I didnt even have to think about google.

    Thats a cool LCD btw

  11. i found out what it is……………
    soooooooooooooooo easy

  12. Heres a clue for those that dont know :The letters on the silk screening cary the anser.

  13. considering that the first result on google gives the answer this is rather simplistic to guess

  14. So who won this thing anyway?

  15. Sorry for the delay, the winners will be announced later today.

  16. It’s easy enough if you know what it is.

    Maybe future contests should have identifying letters blurred out? 😉

  17. Guess I am writing an article for free parts. Hmmm, the possibilities 🙂

  18. I will have to come up with something a bit harder for the weekend coming up. 🙂

  19. Hi, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you Help me, please 🙂

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