Component Spiders

After you are done building a project there are always some extra components scattered about, instead of wasting time sorting them back into bins why not make some component spiders out of the extra parts.

“Years ago when I was in school, I got most of my parts from snipping or desoldering them off of junked curcuitboards, or from taking apart old equipment. One day I took some of the parts and soldered them into what I wished was a functional spider robot – but even though it didn’t work, it was pretty in its own way. It was also fun and inexpensive and fast to make. Since then I have made quite a few, and they never turn out the same.”

Thanks Donald


  1. electronics murdering legos = win

  2. thats pretty kewl. Gotta love geek art.

  3. First it was sexual positions demonstrated with components and now spiders, whats next guys?

  4. so this must be the off spring of the flaming spider robot.

  5. Hmm… electronic components are making their way into the art world, aren’t they?

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