Blue LED Flashlight Mod

If you want to hack a normal flashlight into a cool blue LED one have a look at this flashlight hack from Deadly Computer Blog.

Looking for some LEDs for your next project? Check out these LEDs.

“Now granted, my blue LED flashlight is a far cry in brightness compared to the original white one, but i don’t care, cause as i mentioned above, the fact that it’s blue makes it automatically better.”

Thanks Steve

This article is sponsored by SZ Wholesale who are sellers of a wide variety of flashlights.


  1. No More impressive Ideas that you must go back to “Oh, i just replace an ordinary LED to be the new gadget-king” ?

    That’s boring to read such a story.

  2. Who cares if its simple, its hacking the gadget, isnt that the point? Doesnt have to be exciting, just different and cool.

  3. y’know what’s funny about this:
    i found a deal on these exact same flashlights years ago in a fry’s catalog, so i went to pick one up for ten bucks. good deal. funny enough, they were out of White LED models. the only ones left were exactly the same, but with blue LEDs. sry if i’m bursting anyone’s bubble, but the company that made these ‘lights beat you to it. GGJ still, hey, lemme know if you don’t want the white LEDs out of that flashlight–i could hack mine back into what i originally wanted!

  4. -PC
    at LOWES, where i got the flashlight, they only had white ones, and i havent seen a blue flashlight around for $10-20 anywhere.
    And sorry, but we already used the white leds for something else we’ll be posting later on in the week.


  5. Ben,
    And just what exactly was your latest mod? 🙂

  6. There are so many levels of mods and hacks and they are all cool and justified in my eyes. Just because something only took 15 minutes and is quite simple doesn’t mean that it isn’t a cool project.

  7. The blue light is a nice effect. I have a blue setting on one of my flashlights and someone thought I was a cop. Felt pretty cool.

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