Keepon Interaction Robot

Have a look at the Keepon Interaction Robot , Hideki Kozima developed it and Marek Michalowski gave it intelligence. It looks simple at first until you realize that it has two color cameras, a microphone and an amazing range of motion.

Video after the jump.

“Keepon has a yellow snowman-like body. The upper part (the “head”) has two eyes, each of which is a color CCD camera with a wide-angle lens (120 degrees horizontally), and a nose, which is actually a microphone. The lower part (the “belly”) has a small gimbal and four wires, by which the body is manipulated like a marionette; four motors and two circuit boards (a PID controller and a motor driver) are installed in the black cylinder. Since the body is made of silicone rubber and its inside is relatively hollow, Keepon’s head and belly deform whenever it changes posture and when someone touches it.

This simple body has four degrees of freedom: nodding (tilt) within +/-40 degrees, shaking (pan) within +/-180 degrees, rocking (side) within +/-25 degrees, and bobbing (shrink) with a 15-mm stroke. ”



  1. how much do these things cost to make? just curious.

  2. where could u buy one??!?!?!!?1?!

  3. Sweet! Now make it fluffy and sell it to parents the want to supervise their children. ORDER NOW: DIAL 1984-KEEPON =)

    On first look i thought it could move as a whole, with wheels in the base, but with that much freedom of movement it wouldn even be necessary.

    A video of Keepon’s view while dancing like this would be interesting…

  4. hes so cute… i want one with evil eyes

  5. Does anyone know if that clip is just puppetry, or is software interpreting the music?

  6. I need to get one of these for my dog. He would have a field day with it!

  7. I WANT ONE!!! Are they selling them yet? and where can I buy one! OR 10!!!!!! Also type in Keepon robot and there is another video of it dancing to rage against the machines..awesome

  8. can anyone teach me how to make one??????

  9. It’s like one of those flowers that danced to music 15 or so years ago. Just way cooler!

  10. i will make an army of them… if if could buy one and i had enough money

  11. Keepon ROCKS !!

  12. i want one too.
    how and where to get them?

  13. I really want a keepon, how much do they cost? They’re so cute OMG! Heeheehee, I’m a little weird this morning but yeah I do love keepons. Gimme one please!

  14. Me and my best friend savannah love keepon we even made up a dance about him lol please e-mail us

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