May 15, 2007

Spamtrap - Print and Shred Spams Automatically

Treehuggers, this is a post that you may want to skip. Bill Shackelford has come up with an interesting way of dealing with spam. Spamtrap receives spam, prints the email and immediately shreds the paper. Of course in this case everything that comes to that email address is spam but I could see getting some satisfaction if I could send all of my manually deleted emails to a device like

Retractable Alarm Clock

The Retractable Alarm Clock is one of the Cornell University Microcontroller Design Final Projects. Colleen Carey and Vincent Zou have made a product that has a concept that could be marketable. I am not much of a morning person and the snooze button is always handy, this could work for people like me. 🙂 “The Retractable Alarm Clock is the next generation alarm clock that combines both active alarm feature

Run OS X on Your Apple TV

For this hack you don’t even have to crack open the Apple TV box. Video after the jump. “We can now boot an unmodified and unopened AppleTV from an external USB hard drive. We’re running the same modified OS as in my last video, but this time it’s on an external USB hard drive with a modified partition type and one small file change.”

XBox Apple TV

Turn your XBox into an Apple TV like experience. Video after the jump. “First off, let’s go over what you need to already have in order to properly pull this off. * A Modded Xbox – There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. XBMC just won’t run on a stock console. * Xbox Media Center – I can not provide a copy of this due to legal reasons,