Air Sampling Balloon Launch

Kosta Grammatis is a CSU Undergraduate who has been working on an air balloon project for the past two years. The balloon has just had its first flight and all was well.

Presentation Video
Launch information

“I’ve been working on a research project for the last two years, “The Balloon
Project” it’s a system I designed from the ground up to take air samples
autonomously, collect data, and do it all wirelessly from 2000 feet in the

Some sweet details:
*It has a pan + tilt camera with a 500mw tx
*Battery powered and lasts for 12 hours.
*Can hold 50 air samples
*The balloon is 12 ft in diameter and the payload is 15 lbs.
*The onboard computer serves up a webpage that allows the air sampler and other
systems to be accessed.”

Thanks for letting us know about the project Kosta.


  1. This is the best! It’s a dream come true, more than any nerd could ask for.


  2. There’s been a lot of fuss over weather balloons lately….Not too long ago, Bre and the gang over at Make: launched theirs with camera equipment attached to it.

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