1. Cool, but when do we get the real thing? I don’t think kids will be satisfied till they cut off their arms and legs trying to swing this thing around. Very neat for videos and stuff. I can’t wait till they make a durable one where you can really make contact with something and have it not break.

  2. yeah that would be nice if they did but then it would be hard to make it realisitc

  3. MasterReplica’s ForceFX blades might be dualable. Also, you can easily built a custom hilt out of normal hardware from Lowes or HomeDepot. Fit one of these with a Polycarbonate tube blade and EL wire inside a polyethaline tube for dipersion. Fully dualable. The polycarbonate can be hit with a hammer and not break or even crack! No help on the REAL lightsaber though.

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