Automated Berlin Toilet


Hacked Gadgets Forum member Jared Harley recently went on a trip to Berlin and took a video of a cool automated toilet there. This toilet locks and washes itself after every use. It can also be reconfigured automatically when a handicapped person needs a special interior arrangement. Like everything else electronic, it’s bound to fail eventually. I wonder how many people have had the doors open by accident when they were using the automated toilet?


  1. Thanks for the mention! Those toilets are pretty cool. It’s weird to go into them right away, because they’re still damp from the wash cycle. Inside, everything is motion-activated or foot-button activated. It’s nice to not have to touch anything (except yourself, of course).

  2. Say, that’s me going in the toilet. Awesome.

  3. Way to demo the toilet Toby. 🙂 How long does it take after it is used before the next person can use it. I am thinking that if there was any type of line you would be waiting forever…

  4. yeah I’ve used one of these before. its pretty cool and sanitary but the only down to a porta potty is that u got pay to use these but its worth it if your out and u need to use it.

  5. Why in the HELL does this lame clip get attention on my beloved hackedgadgets front page????????????

    These freakin toilets have exsisted for about 5 (FIVE!!) years in my hometown in Denmark and I bet they werent the first here either…. GET A GRIP, and show me something COOL instead!! GODDAMNIT… have a nice day 😛

  6. Wow tough crowd today… I am thinking you are having a bad day Erik?? 🙂
    I have never seen these before here in Canada or in the US. I guess we are lagging behind in the toilet scene!

  7. Well I guess.. but as I wrote these have been around were I live for not months – but years… And even if this was a new thing, I dont know if I think its that cool at all? But hey, I guess we all have our fantasies and some people like toilets then 😎

  8. I remember reading about them about 6 or 7 years ago, they were just a concept at the time, and I think the first one to be used was in France, or Germany, I’m prone to be wrong about the original country of use, but I wish America would pick p on the cue. I remember that they were going to cost the city that implements them around 100,000 grand or so apiece, hence they pay per use, but I would definatly love them. After a certain amount of time has passed (i forget the amount) a warning buzzer sounds, and shortly thereafter the sink, seat and so on retract. That particular feature was to discourage vagrants, and homeless, and so-on from using them as an overnight shelter. Rather that feature was ever implemented or not I can’t say, I was reading about them when there was only one or two in service in the whole world.

  9. boston’s had one in the courtyard in front of the aquarium for a few years now–they may have others as well but i’m unsure. very cool.

  10. Couldn’t be any worse than Microsoft’s iLoo idea 🙂

  11. Alan, the cleaning cycle takes about thirty seconds. There is a digital display to the right of the door that tells you it’s cleaning itself, with a status bar, no less.

    And yes, I realize that automatic, pay-to-pee toilets have been around for years, but they are still cool, especially to us North Americans.

  12. Yeah, I agree with Erik.. WTF These are all over where
    I live, even small towns have them.. Yeah, I live in Denmark too..

    Erik: Hvor bor du henne af? Jeg er fra Ã…rhus.. Er du fra

  13. Haha, nej jeg har bare fundet siden og tjekker den tit da jeg synes den er cool. Er ogsÃ¥ fra Ã…rhus, og studerer Nanoteknologi pÃ¥ 1. Ã¥r pÃ¥ Uni, men ellers er jeg nok ikke den store gadget-nørd, synes bare siden her er nice 🙂

    Hva’ faen er det der ackw for noget det ser suspekt ud :D?

  14. Hah, din nano-nørd 😛 Kig i links sektionen, der er nogle flere fede sider…

  15. These toilets are pretty common in the Netherlands. First one i saw was like 10 years ago. 🙂

  16. wow, just wow. Really…

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