3310 Nokia Cell Phone LCD Game

Pyrofer has made some significant advancements with a game he is designing with a cell phone LCD and a PIC 12f675 microcontroller.

Video after the jump.

“You can see ive managed to draw a basic map on the screen. The size of this map is limited by the ram, as the objects within have to change it cant be a rom map. There isnt enough RAM. Ive had to be very clever with ram byte handing to squeeze a large map into ram. Having static map layouts in rom isnt quite as bad.

Reaching the limits of the 12f675 now. Rom is at 94% and ram at 92% full. I have a scrolling level now. Rocks Fall, if your under them you die. When you go near the edge of the screen it scrolls on the next part of the level.”



  1. Oh the fun one can have with recycled tech. My fav example is the xboxes, they have Sooooo many uses other than a gaming system.

  2. i need telt htc8925 (at&t) lcd screen 1-one
    t mobile side kick 2008 lcd 3-three
    side kick id lcd 3- three

    ismail 909 800 2640 ca usa

    how much? how late?

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