I wouldn’t have thought that I would ever see a home made surface mount pick and place machine. But if someone can pull it off it would be the creator of the worlds fastest electric motorcycle!
“The below video clip is of my CNC Taig mill setup as a surface mount Pick and Place machine. It’s slow, but it’s more fun watching it do the work then it is to do it by hand! Notice how it picks up the parts in one orientation, and then rotates them to the correct destination orientation. It then “centers” the part in the “centering pit”. Also notice the way-cool http://www.HighTechSystemsLLC.com Modular Work Holding System that holds the PCB down on the HighTechSystemsLLC.com tooling plate. It makes clamping the PCBs down a snap!”
i dunno if its just me, but are there any reason that when you roll to the bottom of the video theres a bunch of other videos linked to that one, all about girls with big boobs
heres a screen shot of what im seeing
Hi daewootech,
Thanks for the heads up… Looks like this is the new enhanced YouTube interface. I will contact YouTube and complain about it. I thought that it was probably using one of the keywords or category incorrectly to show related videos but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I apologize to anyone who saw that and is offended, that material doesn’t have any business on Hacked Gadgets.
Eh, boobs are not bad, seeing them while at work is a little less than prudent though.