June 9, 2007

DIY Open Source MIDI Keyboard

If you are musically inclined this Open Source MIDI Keyboard hack might be something that you would be interested in. Using this system you could start with an inexpensive keyboard as demonstrated or use anything else that you see fit. “This project details the steps to build your own Open Source (musical) keyboard which connects to a computer via USB and sends MIDI signals. This is achieved using an AN2131

UV Sensitive Beads

  UV Sensitive Beads are fun to play around with, it is interesting to see that there is no UV light present in indoor light and there it lots available in natural sun light. There are so many possibilities, bracelets, secret words with letters made of different colored beads, kids guessing games, etc. On the label it shows pictures of blue, orange, yellow, pink and purple beads. But the bag

Name the Thing Contest - 7

Congratulation to Troy and Chris who were the winners last week. The prize this week will be useful to anyone who needs to do presentations. It has a laser pointer, LED light, ball point pen and extendable pointing rod. This contest will run for this weekend only (June 9 – 10, 2007) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give