Graduation Cap LED Hack

Long time Hacked Gadgets reader Chris Rybitski sent in this cool Graduation Cap LED Hack. It uses a blue LED to add some electronic goodness to a plain old Grad Cap. By the way, congratulations on graduating Chris!

“I used three button cells from a light up bouncy ball to power the high intensity blue LED. Then I hot glued the batteries to the inside of the cap. To turn on the LED I just put my hand up to the side of my cap and push. Originally I wanted the switch to be in my gown sleeve, but I had no way of hiding the wire going from the cap to the gown. If I had long hair I could have pulled it off. The LED is hardly noticeable until I press the button.”


  1. yup congrats on graduating.
    Although what use is an LED in daylight?

  2. Stuffing a LED in a hat shouldn’t be called a “hack”. What is the purpose?

  3. Grad parties usually go into the evening so I could see it being useful. 🙂

  4. I did this… Only I had about 15 of the ultra bright Led`s. My friend next to me used it as a reading light during the ceremony.

  5. uhh. orginal. but WHAT IS THE POINT?!?!?!

  6. There wasn’t really a point other than to be different. Also the occasional flash at an administrator for kicks.

  7. Shut up., he’s sooooo cute…

  8. My led grad cap pwneds this c(r)ap. Will be finished with it in a few months, hopefully. Be look’n for here.

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