Imagitronics has created a new interactive version of Pong. He calls it Bongo Pong, rolling right and left on a platform controls your on-screen pong paddle.
Video after the jump.
“I started work right away on the project. I quickly found out that Indo boards do not come cheap, with prices starting around $80, so I decided to make my own. For $6 I was able to get a short length of 5″ PVC pipe and a piece of wood (which I later replaced with the skateboard deck seen in the video below), and some small metal tubes to use for the tilt activated switches. The total expenditure was less than $20 for enough equipment to make a board for each player.”
Bongo Pong

That was just…weird. Like, kinda cool to see, but seems a little useless unless you have the balance of a Cirque du Soleil gymanast
Give me a break… Even the “inventor” of the game can’t play it worth crap!
Sorry… I suppose it’s got some merit, but he needs to slow the game play WAY DOWN to make it playable to anyone but a professional gymnast (I know, I saw the last poster’s comment too).
I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he fell off the board (off screen, but you could hear him holler!)
A potentially good idea, but like has been said already, the game really needs to be slowed down. It’s running so fast, you’d have to be really quick to play with a normal controller, not to mention a Bongo Board. That ball’s flying across the screen like it was shot out of a cannon! I also think I’d make the computer wait to serve until you were up on your board.
The more obvious name would be Pongo