iPhone – Will it Blend

The guys at Blendtech have bought a few of the highly sought after iPhones and… you guessed it, they stuck one in a blender. 🙂 Here is another blending episode that destroyed some cool equipment. 🙂

Video after the jump.

“Everybody knows that the iPhone can make phone calls, play movies & music, surf the web, and a lot more. But, Will It Blend? That is the question.”

Via: CrunchGear



  1. Hahaha great one iSmoke 😀 haha

  2. Kindof puts technology in perspective doesn’t it?

  3. that’s about the only proper use for that POS iPhone

  4. i’ve seen them blend perfectly good ipods… they’re despicable 😛

  5. hehehehehhe yay

  6. This is a TOTAL waste of money!!!
    Comeon.. they could have donated it to me!!

  7. awesome! ismoke…..hilarious. 🙂

  8. wow, lithium battery + blender seems like a risky call, watch out for that iSmoke!

  9. LMAO@iSmoke 😀 😀

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