Vibration-Powered Generator

Dr. Beeby from the University of Southampton has developed a vibration powered generator which is 10 times more powerful that similar devices.

“Dr Steve Beeby and his team at the University’s School of Electronics & Computer Science (ECS) have developed a kinetic energy generator which generates electrical energy from the vibrations and movements present within its environment.

‘This is the most successful generator of its kind and generates energy much more efficiently than any similar device of its size,’ said Dr Beeby.

The generator, which is less than 1 cubic cm in size, was developed as part of the EU-funded є4.13 million VIBES (Vibration Energy Scavenging) project. It has been designed to power wireless sensors that monitor the condition of industrial plant and is intended to be installed within an air compressor unit supplying several laboratories within a building.

It could also be used in wireless, self-powered tyre sensors and if developed further, could even form the basis of technology for self-powered pace makers. The technology offers the potential to replace or augment batteries. The periodic replacement of batteries is not feasible for embedded applications and is highly unattractive in wireless sensor networks containing hundreds of sensor nodes.”

Via: Popgadget and EE Times


  1. and now for the schematics. . .

  2. Oh wow… The implications of this technology are astounding.

  3. This will actually save lots of energy over the long run, as well as marginally helping the factory bottom line, not at the expense of labor cuts. The pacemaker idea is great. Good for vehicles. Bike computers, etc.

    good thing

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