Hacked Gadgets June Comment Contest Winner

Sorry for the delay in selecting and announcing the winner of the comment contest. The winner of the ThinkGeek gift certificate is Mr. Maigo, comment #4 on the USB Controlled Traffic Light Status Indicator article. Congratulation on winning Mr. Maigo and thanks to all who participated.

“ThinkGeek started as an idea. A simple idea to create and sell stuff that would appeal to the thousands of people out there who were on the front line and in the trenches as the Internet was forged. From programmers, engineers, students, lovers of open source, to the masses that helped create the behind-the-scenes Internet culture. ThinkGeek started as a way to serve a market that was passionate about technology.”

Below is an example of a cool geek item that you could get with the gift certificate. What would you get with $50 to spend?

Flying Alarm Clock

The Flying Alarm Clock would be one of my picks if I had $50 to spend.

“The Flying Alarm Clock wakes you up with a loud shrieking alarm coupled with a little propeller-driven key that leaps off your nightstand. To turn off the horrible racket, you have to get out of bed and retrieve the key. The propeller flies the key high into the air and off into some dusty corner. You have to force your sleep addled brain into wakefulness, move your stiff legs and retrieve the key before the alarm goes off. By the time you’ve done so, you’re awake enough at least to go make a pot of coffee.”



  1. Yay! Thank you, love this place 😀

  2. That’s rather complicated. Just do what I do. 100w PC sound system with an alarm program.

    There isn’t a human alive (short of a deaf person) that can ignore my alarm. 😀

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