NES MP3 Player and Speakers

Morte Moya has created some neat NES gadgets. First he created an MP3 player from a NES controller. The next logical step was to make a speaker system from a NES game cartridge. What could be next?

Video after the jump.

“Some of you may have seen my NES Controller MP3 player. This is a companion project for it. I sometimes like to sit around and listen to music so I made these powered speakers. And since it was to go with the NES controller I made it in a NES cartridge.

Now before you even read any further. These are not really loud. Just so you know. They are great for sitting at your desk, but you would not want to have them as music for a party or anything. Now you could make a larger more powerful amp, but I didn’t. Just FYI.”



  1. this one is a little disappointing, you can come up with better stuff than this

  2. What is bad about it, if I may ask? I am open to ideas for the next one I do. What should I have done different? I want to do a MP4 player next, and have it bluetooth as well. What do you think?

  3. Morte Moya: there is nothing disappointing about it at all, it’s a cool mod. *Some people* just get a little carried away with commenting on what other people do while they do nothing.

  4. Thanks Michael. Glad you like it.

  5. Hahaha Freakin Brilliant thank you so much for this. its perfect i will try and make one myself, for those long train rides. somethings that might be good to add maybe a tiny speaker on the underside of the controller or easy way of changing batteries. i will try this with a rechargable usb mp3 player.

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