Pyroelectro has just started a course to teach you how to use FPGA and CPLD devices. If you are currently using microcontrollers this course will give you the skills to move to the next level. There are 10 lessons in the course which will start you at hello world and quickly progress into some very usable topics. The video above is from the first of 10 course videos, the other 9 courses will be released one per week.

If FPGA and CPLD devices are a bit over you head you can start with basic electronics and digital electronics first.

Thanks for the tip Chris.

“Here’s a short overview of the course:

This course is meant to create a pathway into learning about FPGA and CPLD electronics, for people who are scared of the code, tools and general trickery that usually comes with it. A hands-on approach is taken in this course through a combination of lecture and experimentation to teach you about the different features of both the development tools and languages used in the world of FPGA.

Additionally, visuals are used throughout lectures like step-by-step schematic building and line-by-line code explanations so that everything gets explained.

Signups @ Ureddit: http://ureddit.com/class/106959/ Course Page: http://www.pyroelectro.com/edu/fpga/