Ray Ho and Ayo Ositelu from Cornell University came up with an inexpensive (around $25) way to do eye tracking. They’re using an IR LED and an IR transistor to get the job done. They note that the best way to perform eye tracking is to use a camera and process the image but this would require more processing power than they had. We have seen eye tracking done before here and here but this is the first time I have seen it done on the cheap like this. Great job guys!
“The outcomes expected from this project rely on the wonderful properties of light. Specifically, we note that incoming light rays hitting an object will either be reflected or absorbed. The degree to which reflection and/or absorbance takes place depends on material properties of the object. We expect a higher signal stemming from light directed to the pupil as compared to light directed toward the sclera. Nearly all the light directed toward the entrance pupil is absorbed. The white color of the eye reflects a majority of the light rays directed towards it. The ratio of light rays absorbed to reflected when directed to the iris depends on the eye color, with those eye colors darker in tone pigmentation yielding the higher signals.”
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