Real-Time Eye Tracking


If you are feeling ambitious this real time eye tracking system it completely open source. Download the code and start hacking.

“openEyes is an open-source open-hardware toolkit for low-cost real-time eye tracking. The purpose of openEyes is to provide a hardware design and a set of software tools useful for the analysis of eye movement data. The development of openEyes stems from the recognition in the eye tracking and human computer interaction communities that while the cost of hardware for eye tracking has precipitously dropped in the recent past that the there is lack of freely available software to implement even long-established eye-tracking methods. The tools available for this platform include algorithms to measure eye movements from digital videos, techniques to calibrate the eye tracking system, and example software to facilitate real-time eye-tracking application development. ”

Via: Make


  1. This could be quite dangerous around women, especially if you are married. I’m pretty certain where my eyes would be drawn to… 😉

  2. Does anybody realize what realistic video games we could have if someone jumped on the ball on this?? Instead of wasting tons of processing on an entire screen, just a pin prick would have to be super detailed while the rest fuzzy like it is in a real life eye.
    oh well someday.

  3. Jim, absolutely right, i would have to make sure that (I use eye tracking for computers) i do not go to websites that have those special ads.

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