July 7, 2006

Real-Time Eye Tracking

  If you are feeling ambitious this real time eye tracking system it completely open source. Download the code and start hacking. “openEyes is an open-source open-hardware toolkit for low-cost real-time eye tracking. The purpose of openEyes is to provide a hardware design and a set of software tools useful for the analysis of eye movement data. The development of openEyes stems from the recognition in the eye tracking and


If the Robosapien wasn’t cool enough stock, you can kick it up a notch by performing this music mod by Marcus. “In an attempt to get my V2 to open up a can of whoop ass on V2 Media, I decided to start with an important aspect, Music. Adding the ability to play music and sound through V2 allows you to plug in an Mp3 player, Ipod, Pocket Pc or

Bullet Counter for Marui G36C Airsoft Gun

This is a cool mod that adds a bullet counter to an Airsoft rifle. “The new circuit was built with the hopes that since the CMOS IC has much lower voltage requirement, it can still operate when the rifle is firing, but I was wrong. 🙁 Though my second alternative is to use external batteries, and power consumption is an important factor in this case. As far as power goes,