There are some builds that just look like they are too fun. This Fan Scooter is definitely one of those. A ducted fan is bolted to two razor scooters some battery packs provides the jam to get the fan spinning and producing some serious power.
Via: Adafruit
“Assembled in just under 5 hours, Fanscooter is an attempt to put the latest iteration of the HFF onto something more interesting than a shopping cart. But, what can possibly be more interesting than Fankart? Why not hybridize it with my fascination with rideable things and make… like, a scooter or something? My dumbest ideas always turn out to be the most hilarious anyway. So there you have it: an afternoon of cutting and welding steel combined with the remains of three different Razor scooters (them having been parted out for use in the Electric Vehicle Team scooter design class by students taking 2.007)”