Louis Rossmann from Rossmann Repair Group Shares Repair Techniques


Louis Rossmann operates a Apple device repair business called Rossmann Repair Group in New York. His videos show a no bull view on what he thinks of Apple, Customers and running a Small Business. Even though Louis specializes in fixing Apple devices he doesn’t give them any slack in their business practices. He troubleshoots and fixes boards which allows him to install a few pieces of jumper wires and a few dollars of components instead of swapping hundreds of dollars of boards. I love the space that he works in, it is tiny and cramped since he is in a high rent area. But the amount of work that he can crank out of this space is amazing and inspiring to everyone with a home lab. He specializes in Apple devices since he can stock just a few components to fix most of their popular devices. And we know that there are lots of Apple devices out there since Apple is the most valuable company in the world.