Melka demonstrates how to use a Nintendo Nunchuck to control 3D Studio Max with the help of an Arduino microcontroller. The code is available so that you can play with it yourself.
"Here’s my setup under windows :
– Arduino using a WiiChuck adapter from todbot (thanks kurt ^^) and the WiiChuck library from Tim Hirzel
– Data sent to Processing via serial connection and translated to MIDI CC messages using the proMIDI library by Christian Riekoff
– MIDI output from processing sent to midiYoke
– midiYoke sends this data to Ableton Live
– Ableton re-sends the CC messages to midiYoke
– Using Float Motion Capture controllers on 3D Studio Max to rotate the objects according to the pitch and roll of the wiichuck…"
Via: Hack a Wii
Arduino to 3D Studio Max from melka on Vimeo.
THATS what I need for CAD, stupid nintendo should have made everything usb like everyone else
On the face of it, it looks like this ought to be easier to do using GlovePie, a Bluetooth dongle and a Wiimote.
I’m currently working on a maxscript to simplify the setup.
I still have to figure some things, but I already got processing, midi yoke and ableton out of the process, only 3DS max ^^
Thank you