Sixerdoodle has created a bunch of cool projects, this Automatic Cat Water Dispenser is one of cool! Why not automate some of your pet tasks. 🙂
"Somehow our cats learned to drink from the faucet. We’d turn the water on for them, but they never turn it off when they were done! I’m sure there are other cat owners out there with a similar problem. So, I built the Cat Faucet so the cats could turn the water on and off for themselves. As a kit, I would rate this medium complexity. The electronics are simple and straight-forward but you also need to do some mechanical work and some plumbing to complete the project, which raises the complexity."
Via: Hacked Gadgets Forum
Neat, but also a big waste of water. An autofeeder of the bowl variety would be better.
Cats are quite happy to drink toilet water, why exactly do I want the cat in the sink???
Cause toilets are nasty, and you can’t teach your cat to poop in the toilet if he’s drinking from it
i did a similar thing with a small hobby water pump, a section of tubing, and a large bowl of water. it runs continuously but uses very little power. we have to top the bowl off with water about once a week. this keeps the cat happy and out of the sink.
you are all bad with the animals. what if? if the animals did you that what will you feel?