Ben Jackson has built a nice simple PIC microcontroller based project that interfaces to a MA2260 Accelerometer. Ben provides the source code so you can see his interface technique. It is interesting to read that there was a number of errors on the datasheet for the device, in my opinion the errors that he found are totally unacceptable!
“This little board demonstrates the capabilities of the MMA2260 +/- 1.5g X-Axis Micromachined Accelerometer. As you tip it back and forth, LEDs light up to show the magnitude and direction of the G force.
The microcontroller is a PIC16F628, which is entirely unsuited to this application, having no ADC. I failed to notice that, being quick to note “AN0″ on PORTA and slow to note that it was for a comparator, not an ADC. However, there is a builtin programmable voltage reference which was sufficiently accurate for lighting up 8 LEDs.”
Just a few days back i got some acselerometers from freescale too( 3 axis ones woho). But i made something more interesting from it a PC mouse that works in mid air.
Im planing to also make it wireless too.
I also got some dsPICs a few houres ago in mail… i wodner if they could do somethign even cooler whith a acseleromeer.
Sounds like a great project Berni. Any pics or videos?
Nope not yet. Im gona do some more work on it today and it will probobly end up as a article on uC hoby.
First il try to get thease crapy RF modules to work good.Then i can get some videos done.
I find this blog very interesting, i will be here everyday till now. Greetings