1. This gave me an idea,
    If you could use something like this to play pong or something, that would really be cool

  2. Cool!
    Hey, I was just watching these yesterday and I made my own crappy galvanometer with a toy motor.
    I’m trying to make my own O-scope 🙂

  3. Very nice sensible presentation for lasers..
    in first video one can easily add an additional effect, a glare of energy which is formed at the point of meeting held on the two lasers.
    To carry out this effect, to proceed as follows:
    in the pallet of the forms, to charge a pallet: to choose the pallet Assorted Brushes in the Goddies repertory – Brushes of your preferred Photoshop.
    To choose the white color color of foreground and to use the tool Brush, to choose the form wished in the pallet of the forms and draw in the center of the white line like opposite. You can use several different forms to carry out the desired effect, it is the case besides here………..
    however thanks for this collection

  4. This is a very cool project for laser
    where did you buy this kind of lasers?
    Can I use powerful lasers like the one advertise in google, I found this site
    http://www.techlasers.com today and if this is applicable for this type of project I would like to know.

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