Solar Powered PIC Based LCD Game

Pyrofer has added a solar panel to his tiny PIC based game system that uses a cell phone LCD screen for the display. Now the game can be played for hours. ๐Ÿ™‚

“I picked up a fairly large one for $40 hk and connected it up to my pic+3310lcd project. Bam, up it comes. Im going to put in a bit of power regulation and a cap to smooth things out, but the solar panel easily generates enough power for the large PIC 18LF2520 and the Nokia 3310 LCD.”


  1. This is not cool, no fun after 8o clock. Maybe it should be improved to have a wind turbine, or a hydroelectric station. lol

  2. Hydrogen Fuel cell perhaps even?


  3. Solar Power FTW.

  4. What to do about playing after dark simple add a NmH battery pack from a cordless phone a switch mode regulator and led back light.

  5. How about a CFR( cold fusion reactor) just order your isotopes from Nuclear United I saw a Stirling Engine Working on one.

  6. hi please tell me the specs of your solar panels…

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