Here is a nice DIY Single-Ended Tube Amplifier design with a bit of Transformer inspired artwork made from some painted copper clad board.
Thanks Gio.
“For the circuit I used home made (hand etched) circuit boards, but the tube amplifier is so simple it can be easily connected with point-to-point wiring, especially if you choose to heat the tubes using AC. The LM338K is mounted (with electrical isolation) to an aluminum angle which is in turn attached to the aluminum chassis which makes for an adequate heat-sink. The OPT cover box is also built using the copper clad board and held together using solder and glue. By soldering small copper legs to the OPT cover the copper cladding is “grounded” and used to shield the output transformers. The finish on the OPT covers is a metalic-silver spray paint and then baked in hot sunlight. “