Thanks to Screen Sleuth for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing a $30 gift certificate so you can get some great swag over at Adafruit Industries. Screen Sleuth is there to save you money by listing all the best prices by various categories, it doesn’t matter if you’re looking specifically for Samsung HDTVs or only Best Buy TV deals.
"If you’re in the market for a new television set, then take a few minutes to browse around the Sleuth. If you’re looking to save money on your TV or get a big discount on the regular price of a TV then check out our listings. Screen Sleuth organizes TVs by screen size as well as by manufacturer, so honing in on the TV specs you are interested in takes only seconds. We think it’s the best way to pin-point the best TV deal easily."
This contest will run for one week (October 31 – November 6, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it.
Please do not give the answer in the comments.
Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting of:
- The name of the item in the above picture
- An example of what the item pictured above can be used for
The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.
Added November 13, 2009
The item to guess was a Casio AL-1000 Programmable Calculator
The winner is Eric B. (There were 139 entries)
Below is the prize.
More pictures after the jump
Sweet! I haven’t seen a piece of hardware like that since my first year electronics class in high school.
well this will be interesting
Hah, that’s as old as I am.
Or maybe, not hah. That makes me pretty old.
Took some searching to verify that’s what I was thinking it was. I even found the manufacturer and model.
Lol – google adwords suggested a great name ‘Pandora’s Clock’ 🙂
some SRAM
DH says maybe it could test tubes but it’s very old and it’s not likely anyone or hardly anyone will know what it is! What a riot.
And HEY JOSH nice message but how about letting someone know?
You *really* need to compress your JPEGs less, the noise is terrible.
that thing IS older than i am. but i have handled most of the parts in that thing during my electronics course. my instructor loved to keep old military hardware especially.
Beautiful bit of vintage hardware, that is! I’ll have to keep my eyes open for something like this… imagine snagging a pile of nixies for a dollar at a garage sale!
Coulter counter.
Its a circuit board holder 😛
I ve seen it before, its the flux capacitor main controller. I swear.
Well, it runs on AC, has some core memory, uses nixies for display. *pondering*
man, i can’t believe they actually made that work. I’ve never seen it mounted on a board
It’s Definitely a Bubblewatt Capacitor
I knew what this was right when I saw it.
It dates back to the time of the first moon landing but it’s not a part of a spacecraft or anything military.
That was easy
So .. what is it??
Apparently this “contest” was really just spam for a TV ad..
Hi Dustin,
What would make you think that?
Well, let’s see – the post is dominated by an add for the company, and despite the contest ending several days ago, there’s no answer posted.
Hi Dustin,
The winner will be announced early this week. Screen Sleuth is putting up the prize, in return they get a mention of their service and their logo in the contest.
We have a weekly contest where the prize if often sponsored and would also pimp out your company or products if you were a sponsor. 🙂
The Zune prototype?
Worlds first digital wrist watch? Displays both date and time!
And the object is…….. ?
Winner announced. Thanks to all who played along.