LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Toilet Flush System

This LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Toilet Flush System is a very polite robot that thanks you after you use the toilet and then flushes it for you. There are full build instructions on the site so that you could build your very own. A study should be done to see if the positive acknowledgment (the thank you phrase) would lead to an increase of water consumption. 🙂

Video after the jump.

“Tired of flushing your own toilet? Build a RoboFlush! RoboFlush is a simple Lego NXT Mindstorms Robot designed to flush a toilet automatically. It also comes with a manual flush option! ”

Via: TechEBlog and Zedomax



  1. Amazing what they can do with just $249.99 worth of lego

  2. Just imagine what they could have done with two of the kits…. :p

  3. Theres so many machines that cut back on work, toliet flushers now, whats next? Robots that wipe your butt?

  4. skittleskater, they already have those. They’re called bidets.

  5. He doesent really pee into the toilet…. what a waste of water. 😀

  6. this is a good website! this helps me and my class mates learn


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