Amazing AIR-Guitar Demonstration by Carlos Vamos


Amazing AIR-Guitar Demonstration by Carlos Vamos. He is a guitar playing master, the second video is non-technical but demonstrates how good he is!

“Carlos Vamos demonstrates his Prototype hand made custom AIRguitar. The guitar neck is from Ibanez, the guitar body was build with the Kind help and cooperation of Marcus Van Engelen. The final guitar asembly and wiring was done by Carlos Vamos.”

Via: Make



  1. OMG i want one! But i cant even play guitar so nevermind. Did he use an optical theremin kinda thing?

  2. Yo, I almost guessed it.. 😀
    So its a theremin controlled effect, really cool.

  3. It’s an Alesis AirFX effects unit built into a guitar body. Technically it’s not a Theremin since it uses infrared detection of position. I believe the unit is discontinued.

  4. Interesting use of motion detector.
    Btw i hope not just i realized that the cool stuffs are discontinued. tb303, c64, korgelectribe…. 🙁

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