Andy McCaskey of Slashdot Review took a look at a very interesting device at CES. Slap it onto a table (or almost any surface) and you have an instant speaker. Reminds me of the magneplanar technology.
“This was the most fascinating device that we saw today – Inductive Dynamics Inc makes devices that attach to walls or surfaces and turn them into speakers for home theater applications. In this photo, the sheet of glass is suspended vertically, and the transducer (small chrome plated cylinder at the bottom) makes the entire sheet of glass into a speaker. The rear screen projector is mounted high in the booth and is projecting the image on the glass – which gives the absolute “Princess Leia†effect standing in free space (not a total illusion 3D but 2D) . You can imagine glass speakers for department stores and the speaker / glass for boardroom situations.”
Solid Drive Speakers

This is a nice gadget.. But I guess you’ve got to see it to believe/enjoy/love it..
I saw that at CES. While it is hard to tell the sound quality in that noisy environment, I thought it sounded pretty bad.
Olympia released something like this at the end of 2002, it was called the soundbug.
The sound wasn’t so great, but it was an interesting novelty.
I saw one pretty cool product similar to Solid Dirve but MUCH much cheaper and also better sound quality, selling pretty well in called Vibro Blaster..recently, they have also launched Vibro Max, which comes with remote control and bass level built in.
Pls see this link:-
If I am not wrong, it was manufactured by one Singapore company, named Digital INfo Technology.
this device was made for 100 years agou by a man named nikolaj tesla
Then there was the Aura Base Shaker in the mid 1990s.