Seems like you can put a computer in anything. Have a look at this Guitar Computer.
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Seems like you can put a computer in anything. Have a look at this Guitar Computer.
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this would be even cooler if it was an electric guitar. that way the guitar could be ran through the computer for FX or something of that nature.
Except the electric guitar isn’t big enough to hold a computer. That, and electric guitars are solid 🙂
Depends on the size of the computer. There are plenty of motherboards that are small enough to fit into a routed cavity in a solid electric guitar. And not all electric guitars are completely solid. Godin guitars have loads of electronics packed into them, as do Matt Bellamy’s custom guitars. Someone even installed a tablet PC into the back of a Telecaster.
This is an awesome case mod, but a terrible waste of a guitar. I don’t care how “fully functional” they claim the guitar to be, with the gigantic hole in the bottom and the mobo and speakers mounted to the back and front, it has no chance of having a decent tone.
I always thought that a violin case would be a hilarious place for a custom computer. Just imagine airline security! (For the young among you: In old gangster movies, tommy-guns were frequently concealed inside violin cases.)
i think thats really cool, if he wasnt that mych of a guitarplayer anyway =)
This is mad, i mean its ugly. Maybe i am too geek to imagine a motherboard in a nonsquareish case. eek
Great hi-tech guitar
can anyone suggest how I can plug my electric guitar into my laptop, so i can play along with backing tracks off the web, all through headphones so that I can hear both guitar and backing track together through my headphones?