High Power Demonstrations


Mental note, don’t short out bus bars. 🙂

“Here arcs were intentionally initiated by bridging wires across three copper bus bars in a testing laboratory. Three phase 480 volt power was then applied across the bus bars for about 1 second. The wires immediately explode, forming a conductive plasma which forms high current power arcs between phases. The actual fault current in the demonstration is not known, but is likely in the range of tens of kiloamps.”


  1. Awsome!!!! Alan were did you dig this up now XD I’d love to try this expirement if i could 🙂

  2. lol, wood box and chain link fence

  3. Wow, that looked scary and awesome at the same time.

    And I loved the ‘ding’ at the end. Makes it sound like an old microwave finishing :p

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