Congratulation to the last contest winner.
This weeks prize would be perfect to mount your camera on and document your hacks. 🙂
This contest will run for this weekend only (October 27- 28, 2007) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.
Send an email to contest @ with “Name the Thing Contest” as the subject, and the message body consisting of:
* The name of the item in the above picture
* An example of what the item pictured above can be used for
The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.
Added November 1, 2007
The item to guess was a Vibrating Motor, Congratulation to the people who guessed it correctly.
The winner is Tod G.
Thanks to all who entered.
Below are some pictures of the prize.
Waaaaaaaaaaay too easy.
Yes, but the prize usually matches the difficulty, at least roughly. I don’t need another tripod so I won’t be entering, and I assume it’ll go to some kid who doesn’t have a tripod already, and for whom this component is relatively new and interesting.
I wonder if, with some prize donations and possibly submissions of tricky “things”, there could be a second contest each week, with harder challenges and cooler prizes. What say you, Alan?
Yes, it’s easy, but only if you have seen one before 🙂
Yes this is one of the easier ones… I don’t want to do tough ones every week. 🙂 That way everyone can participate. I am thinking that the monthly contest could be expanded to have a very tough item to guess in addition to the comment portion.
It’s a *** ***. And a tiny one at that. You should do something harder like a neutrino detector or a pipe pig. I know hundreds of things that would be better name that things.
Hi positive anion,
Email in your answer, please do not answer in the comments.
Alan – How many entries do you usually get for a contest?
I think its secret. Isnt it? 🙂
No big secret. 🙂 It ranges from about 70 to 300 depending on how hard the question is.
Winner announced.