November 26, 2007

Fan Case Mod

Do you hate loud PC cases as much as I do? In past years I have bought some cheap systems and always hated how loud they were. In most instances it was just poor quality fans that caused the problem. I wonder how long this Fan Case Mod would last sitting beside me? I don’t think it would look so pretty after 10 minutes… Via: Technabob

 Fluorescent Light Inverter

Here is a cool project that you can build from a few parts that will allow you to power fluorescent lights with a 12 volt battery. This low cost project even teaches you how to wind your own transformer from salvaged parts. This link is from a interactive electronics e-magazine stocked full of electronics projects and tutorials. There is also a basic electronics course and micro-computer programming course that can

Introducing Joe Pitz - New Hacked Gadgets Writer

This is an exciting time at Hacked Gadgets. We are going to see some fantastic articles written by some new faces. Over the next number of weeks we will see the addition of four great writers who have lots to contribute! Joe Pitz has a variety of interests that range from flying to software development, to learn more about Joe Pitz have a look at his bio. Joe also has