December 3, 2007

High Quality DIY Headphone Amp

If you’ve ever tried to couple a cheap mp3 player with good headphones, you know much of a pain it can be. This is a walk-through of how to build your own. “Chu Moy designed a very popular headphone amplifier that’s easy to build, and it can be built small enough to fit in a pocket, power supply and all. It’s powerful enough to drive very inefficient headphones to thunderous

Introducing Tony Nunn - New Hacked Gadgets Writer

I am very happy to be introducing another new writer today. Tony Nunn, an Electrical Engineering student from Cleveland Ohio will be adding some interesting articles for all of us to enjoy. He runs a small electronic repair business, and also works for the University newspaper. Like many of us Tony is interested in taking things apart to see how they work, his repair business allows him to do this

Remote Controlled Camera from a Cellphone

Wow what a hack! SMS your hacked cell phone and it will take a picture and send it back to you! Have a look at the details of this Remote Controlled Camera from a Cellphone that uses a Picaxe microcontroller. I would dare anyone to try to take this onto a plane. I am sure the conversation would include “Honestly it is just a remote camera that looks like a