December 15, 2007

iPhone GPS Module Hack

Will O’Brien over at Hack a Day posted this cool iPhone Hack. The guys over at The Part Foundry have made a device that allows you to use GPS with your iPhone. “The iphone GPS module allows jail broken iphones to finally have GPS functionality. This module is in development and will be shipping in February. All software is open source and more applications are being written every day. This

Darkness Sensing LED Circuit

Evil Mad Scientists have put together a nice Darkness Sensing LED Circuit that senses darkness using a phototransistor to detect light. “When light falls on the phototransistor, it begins to conduct up to about 1.5 mA, which pulls down the voltage at the lower side of the resistor by 1.5 V, turning off the transistor, which turns off the LED. When it’s dark, the transistor is able to conduct about