December 25, 2007

Poor Man's DIY scratchpad

  How to make your own scratchpad out of nothing but a pizza box and an optical mouse. I’m sure everyone has a spare optical mouse–and if you’re anything like me–an abundance of pizza boxes lying around. Check out a video of it in action. I love to see these sorts of ultra low budget hacks. Keep up the good work out there. For some more cool stuff, check out

Roomba Christmas Caroling Hack

  Merry Christmas from everyone here at Hacked Gadgets, keeping the hacking tradition alive the video today is three roomba robots performing Christmas carols. 🙂 “Make your Roomba a musical instrument! RoombaMidi2 is a small Mac OS X program that makes your Roomba appear as a MIDI interface to MIDI sequencer programs like Ableton Live, Apple Logic, and so on. RoombaMidi2 is an update of the original Java-based RoombaMidi. The